Les futurs métiers de la data
Dr. Gael LederreyFait
Keynote de clôture : Lutte contre la désinformation : comment affûter son esprit critique ?
C'est vrai ça ?Fait
Introduction à la GRC (Gouvernance, Risques et Conformité) des données
Philippe BonvinFait
Data-centric business value monitoring: how Data Governance 4.0 enables agile impact assessment of project delivering digital products/services in a VUCA environment.
Cedric BergerFait
Prédire le futur ? La valeur cachée de vos données et des simulations de flux
Christophe Compondu & Nicolas MembrezFait
Cultiver l'intelligence collective à l'heure de ChatGPT
Yoan ThirionFait
Keynote d'ouverture : La transformation data en entreprise – défis et opportunités
Prof. Christine LegnerFait
De la data à l'information : la donnée produit ce que la pensée la fait devenir.
Yannis MartinFait
ChatGPT: Découverte et Applications Pratiques
Dr. Gael LederreyFait
Gestion Stratégique : Vivez le LPM en Action avec un Serious Game. Maîtrisez le LPM en pilotant vos projets stratégiques
Jean-Yves KleinFait
PMIxAI and the future of project management
Business Acumen
Lieu : 232
04/04/2024 15:45
04/04/2024 16:35
(50 minutes)
Adi Muslic
Senior consultant
à PMI Switzerland
Senior consultant
à PMI Switzerland
PMP, Wicked Problem Solving, Citizen Development, Organizational Transformation and Change Management certified. 15+ years of experience in project management. Making an impact through application of power skills, creative collaboration and efficient problem solving.
Join us on the PMIxAI journey as we discover the future of project management by merging human ingenuity with AI advancements that are proven to support project success and empower you to focus on value-driven project work.
Goals of the session
Introduce latest PMI insights on application of AI in project management
Talk about the future of project management
Share findings on skills required by project managers in AI environment
Dramatically improving project performance using AI tools is an exciting journey where every year, with a clear focus, project success will significantly increase.
In this session we will share the latest insights and actions based on PMI’s research covering what, how and why your business can apply AI in a transformative way, and what role project management plays in supporting the success of the initiatives.
You will learn how to transform your business and maximize the enterprise project management function in transformation programs.